One beautiful December evening, Huan Cho and his girlfriend Jung Lee were sitting, overlooking the ocean.
There was a romantic full moon, when Huan Cho said, "Hey, let's play Weeweechu."
"Oh no, not now, let's just look at the moon" said Jung Lee.
"Oh, c'mon baby, let's you and I play Weeweechu.
I love you and this is the perfect time," Huan Cho begged.
"But I'd rather just hold your hand and watch the moon," Jung Lee said.
"Please, Jung Lee, just once, play Weeweechu with me."
Jung Lee looked at Huan Cho and said, "All right, we'll play Weeweechu."
Huan Cho grabbed his guitar and they ....
both started to sing ....
"Weeweechu a merry Christmas,
Weeweechu a merry Christmas,
Weeweechu a merry Christmas,
and a happy New Year."
Allen BK-Mitgliedern und ihren Familien frohe Weihnachten und besinnliche Feiertage!
Immerhin wollte sie nicht Lars Krimes hören, oder drai vin hom
fo kri mes...
Den guten Wünschen schliesse ich mich gerne an.
der hofft, dass nach Weihnachten auch das Frühjahr näher ist und der Frickeldepri nachlässt...